Friday 29 November 2013

Android to Cyborgs : Is Google Glass paving the way to Implants?

Google Glass. Sergey Brin describes- a new way of seeing our relationships with mobile computers.
And it’s not only Google; Apple, Microsoft, among other players have already patented or in the processes of patenting the technology which can help head mounted devices.

In a recent blog, Nicholas Carr, explores the idea of "Underwearables", where the wearable gadget is attached to the undergarments ! Google may not be the first entrant, but can it redefine the category as Apple did with iPads? Wearables are a reality today. So the real question is, how can it be bettered? What’s next?

Will it happen like Pagers? It came & disappeared in no time and Mobile phone took its place.
For some it may seem to be a premature question. But the rate, at which the technologically is advancing, it is not far fetched.
So what can betterment mean in Wearables?
  • Making the device smaller & faster
  • May be hidden in our clothes or may be our clothes itself !
  • Or maybe we don’t need to better it. We will just skip bettering it and create a new category altogether:- Implants !

Implants: - Devices implanted in our body as our own body part. This will make us ‘Cyborgs’ . Connected 24/7 & hidden from everyone else. Like the GPS chip inserted in Daniel Craig’s wrist in one of the recent James Bond movie!

The device may work on voice commands. It can be an eye lens connected via Bluetooth which work with similar features of Google Glass.

Or it may combine with a smart phone implanted behind the ear which is both hidden from others and provides display through eye lens.

Possibilities are innumerable and we should ready to live with such new ways of life!

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